Loving the Low-Carb Lifestyle

suggestions, recipes, and ideas for staying low-carb

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Beginning the Low-Carb Lifestyle

In response to the question posted by Angie from Thrifty Florida Mama, I would love to post a step by step, how-to on the low-carb lifestyle. It can be quite confusing if you haven't read any of Dr. Atkins' books. Most people think I just eat meat all day long, kind of like a lion. Contrary to popular belief, there are more foods on the low-carb lifestyle than meat, cheese, and water. That being said, those three are my favorites. Tomorrow's post will be a tutorial on how to get started, what to do after induction, when it's okay to stray from low-carb, and what to do when you have reached your goals for getting healthy. I will also give some suggestions for books to buy, snacks to always have on hand, and any other advice I can think of between now and tomorrow's post. So....Until tomorrow, enjoy your sugars and pastas, because soon, you'll be with me, Loving the Low-Carb Lifestyle.

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